Monday 11 February 2013

Social media DIET..!!!!

This blog is about my dieting experience and what more interesting  is, It was a social media diet. Yes you read it right. I have avoided social media for 48 straight hours as part of  my assignment. It includes the Facebook, Twitter and You tube but I didn't avoid my emails. I have been asked to avoid email also but as being online student and getting most of the information through mails I could not afford to did so. So this passed weekend on Friday and Saturday I tried to avoid my tools. Do I succeed, well you what the right answer is.

OK let's start from  the start of the day. Every morning I need my cell phone to check my Face book page while I am sitting on the seat of the toilet. I control this activity this is something what I am use to do for last 3 years and even I tend to be in half sleep at that time. So I need it and of course I did forget that I was on diet though I tried to avoid this second day. But there are so many time in a day that my finger automatically went on the keyboard hence I realized that I am addicted to this. It was very difficult to avoid Facebook for me because it like medicine to me. I use it to bring my anxiety level down, I use it to pass the time in metros, I use it while am thinking about my assignment which characteristics I never knew about before this diet.

Seriously I cheated on my diet a lot. As you all know it was the stormy weekend  I really know want to know about it, one  more thing here I come across every news and on goings on my Facebook strange right ! I use my Facebook even as a news paper. People and my subscribed news page's article tells me about the world. So I really want to know about the storm and situation even I really want to know about others. As I have some friends in London ON. and Calgary, I really want to know what are they doing and how is situation there. Even It was the weekend with the having latterly curfew outside because of storm so no more other activities as well . Even more I knew about some of my friend having some house parties and I desperately want to check out the pictures and the stuff they have done. SO for all sack I decided to check my page only once and I went there but logged out after 3 hours, which was ridiculous.

But if I see I can still point out some positive results like I knew about my social media addiction. Even I felt good  also because I got some real quality time to spend. Even I cooked my meal and I love that so all and all with or without social media is great for me.


  1. Hardik, great art work added to your post, especially the Facebook cigarette package. When we first started this process it reminded me of when I quit smoking -- for many people social media has become a similar addiction. But the failure rate has been considerable. I think that's because social devices have become part of our every day dress. Before leaving the house in the morning I check for car keys, cell phone, lunch and iPad. And I think that's the norm for most people.

    The other thing I noted about many of the responses is that a lot of dogs got walked (there were many comments about needing to be outside more) and a lot of meals got cooked. You and I both spent time cooking. Don't you find that more personally satisfying than quick tweets?

    By the way, thanks for the recipe. Have you got a recipe for a curry soup? Joanne

  2. That was a nice expression of what the effects of a social media addiction can do to somebody, Hardik. It seems regardless of the focus of an addiction be in drugs or even a tool such as social media, the control these sources have on people can be rather over whelming.

    The Facebook cigarettes pretty much sum up the whole topic. It seems majority of their user base is addicted to the system. Though being addicted to social media isn't all bad; it's vastly better than a drug addiction.
