Saturday 13 April 2013

How do I think social media will change in the future

        I accept that social media will change sometime later, social media will continue making enhancements and progressions. Social media will continue updating as time passes, if its updates to the online web, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or any viable social media sites. Case in point, Web 3.0 will be about semantic web, each client will have an individual searching history. The program studies what you are fascinated by,qualified information is served up dependent upon your past hunts (PowerPoint). Social media will change how individuals and 
business laborers will work, today venture crews use web instruments which will permit individuals to work together from at whatever place around the globe incorporating from home. Devices like skype have made long separation calling unlimited. Thus social media will change how individuals and organizations will work sometime later. I accept that one day the sum of the social media destinations will be gathered together, implying that Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn will all get one online site. So sometime to come individuals will just need to enter one social media online site, in place of a various of distinctive sites. I too imagine that sometime later, individuals can access any social media site on any electronic mechanism which doesn't must be online for instance on a TV, this might be made plausible by having a precise channel that you can access all social media pages together. . What we see now as social media will just be the begin. As more individuals see the prominence of social media, more individuals are utilizing it as an instrument to telecast qualified information.
         The nature of the aforementioned devices will enhance and those with an adoration for engineering will bounce right in. It will change in a manner that it will come to be more intricate I suppose. And even though it is more mind boggling, a virtuoso out there can make a path for those who are less mechanically slanted to have the ability to resolve it too. As handheld apparatuses come to be more slanted to copy a machine, the more probable that our era will utilize them to do a ton of their tweeting, front side booking, messaging, and write posting. Numerous individuals may begin making their particular social media site impersonating a large portion of the prevalent locales however until one has more alternatives and simple administration for example Facebook, none will take over the lead for well known social media locales. 
        I accept that in the end Facebook will lose its notoriety and another one will ascent to take its place. I am sheltered to state that this site is most likely being finished up at this moment. Social Media will likely change sometime to come, by new innovation clearing the earth or maybe some other way, yet social media will without a doubt change time and handheld apparatuses will be the most prominent route of entering it.

       There are numerous particular advances that I suppose will add on prevalence or develop. Enlarged Reality: google glass is an examination and growth customize by Google to advance a head-mounted presentation, the items might show informative content in savvy cell like organization without hands and could interface with the Internet by means of dialect voice orders (Wikipedia). I accept this will be an extremely prominent sometime later. Another engineering that will be exceptionally prominent.
          Sometime to come is the portable installment: Paypal and square, which is an unlimited thumb-estimated card onlooker and application from PayPal that transforms iPhones into a secure versatile installment framework, permitting any business or single to acknowledge Visa, MasterCard and American Express cards, and additionally PayPal installments on advanced mobile phones, anyplace (Canadian Business).
          In summation, social media will change sometime to come and it is extremely enthralling to contemplate what social media will be like sometime later. Starting 10 years ago there was no social media, simply picture what amount it will change sometime to come.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Does social media affects deeply or not any social or political movement

          Does social media affects deeply or not any social or political movement.  Well the fact is the almost everybody uses the social media now especially the youth. Now for any kind of movement or change you need people, crowd and youth who are going to be the future of that change. Young blood has the power and determination of something to change. For a movement is necessary that they be an essential part of the movement. Social media are just not spread awareness but it helps the movement, it made it popular, it can create a small thing in to large.
      Many negotiations have been generated lately on the topic of social networking and the effect it may play on the creation and mobilization of social movement. For example, the emergence of the Coffee Party first appeared on the social networking site, Facebook. The party has continued to gather membership and support through that site and file sharing sites, such as Flickr. The 2009–2010 Iranian election protests also demonstrated how social networking sites are making the mobilization of large numbers of people quicker and easier. Iranians were able to organize and speak out against the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by using sites such as Twitter and Facebook. This in turn prompted widespread government censorship of the web and social networking sites.
       The sociological study of social movements is quite new. The traditional view of movements often perceived them as chaotic and disorganized, treating activism as a threat to the social order. The activism experienced in the 1960s and 1970s shuffled in a new world opinion about the subject. Models were now introduced to understand the organizational and structural powers embedded in social movements.
         Even I can remember one latest case of the rape case. In which one of the young got raped and police and government took it very lightly. But it was the youth and especially the young girl who plan a movement through the social media. It became huge and force government to take firm steps. Even very well know ideas like flash mob and slut march are the results of the movement planed through the social media tools and brought the in the society. Even these things are well spread all over the world and people appreciate it and joined it thanks to social media.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

The Quality of News : Increased or Decresed

Social media has increased the quality of news and information or decreased it?

Has social media increase or decrease the quality  of the news and information? I think in the terms of spreading awareness, accessibility and reach ability, definitely yes. But in the term of another parameter such important as quality of the news, I firmly thinks no. The detail story, realness and appropriate information and command are very important for the news quality which social media stories lacks heavily.

Absolutely, social media has changed our life in very positive manner and it has really change the way of communication and our style to get all information. Now you can find so many global news stories on the social media tools via internet, it is defiantly more convenient that traditional sources like news papers or television. But the quality that used to provided by the conventional sources is much better as it is not a broken sentences. On social media when people more likely to edit or try to show ones opinion, it is really hard to get real information just by reading someone's post. It is necessary to remember that not all information comes from a credible and a reliable source.  The news and information that people reads on tools have retrieved from many different sources which possibly can be unconfirmed. Sometimes very silly rumors spreading can cause a big confusion and tensional atmosphere in society. Even though one smart has to go through all news to be able to differentiate between facts, opinions, and speculations. In most of the saga common man access social media tools and very likely to add own comments and information that are simply based on opinions and individual experiences.

Even social media sometimes can cause a big problem for the people who more likely to trust whatever that is online. There was a term coined in 1984 called "Culture Jamming". According to this sometimes social media can be used as a platform of the protest. In June 2012, The Yes Men a culture jamming activist duo and network of supporters, made a website called a parody website which delivered the activity of Shell Oil in arctic circle. Which was complete fake and Shell Oil canceled any connection with it.

More often people use the tools like Wikipedia or You Tube to make a new or edit which is already exist story, and remake them by ones opinion which sometime can be true and sometimes not and this thing can confuse the reader. Today the world has become so fast that convenience of electronic devises has trapped us. In this time of world it  is very hard to tell a difference between the real and fake and news and information are not excepts. 

(2011). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from

Monday 11 February 2013

Social media DIET..!!!!

This blog is about my dieting experience and what more interesting  is, It was a social media diet. Yes you read it right. I have avoided social media for 48 straight hours as part of  my assignment. It includes the Facebook, Twitter and You tube but I didn't avoid my emails. I have been asked to avoid email also but as being online student and getting most of the information through mails I could not afford to did so. So this passed weekend on Friday and Saturday I tried to avoid my tools. Do I succeed, well you what the right answer is.

OK let's start from  the start of the day. Every morning I need my cell phone to check my Face book page while I am sitting on the seat of the toilet. I control this activity this is something what I am use to do for last 3 years and even I tend to be in half sleep at that time. So I need it and of course I did forget that I was on diet though I tried to avoid this second day. But there are so many time in a day that my finger automatically went on the keyboard hence I realized that I am addicted to this. It was very difficult to avoid Facebook for me because it like medicine to me. I use it to bring my anxiety level down, I use it to pass the time in metros, I use it while am thinking about my assignment which characteristics I never knew about before this diet.

Seriously I cheated on my diet a lot. As you all know it was the stormy weekend  I really know want to know about it, one  more thing here I come across every news and on goings on my Facebook strange right ! I use my Facebook even as a news paper. People and my subscribed news page's article tells me about the world. So I really want to know about the storm and situation even I really want to know about others. As I have some friends in London ON. and Calgary, I really want to know what are they doing and how is situation there. Even It was the weekend with the having latterly curfew outside because of storm so no more other activities as well . Even more I knew about some of my friend having some house parties and I desperately want to check out the pictures and the stuff they have done. SO for all sack I decided to check my page only once and I went there but logged out after 3 hours, which was ridiculous.

But if I see I can still point out some positive results like I knew about my social media addiction. Even I felt good  also because I got some real quality time to spend. Even I cooked my meal and I love that so all and all with or without social media is great for me.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Is Social Media a Revolution or Fad??????

Social media is not just a fad. It is a basic shift in the way we communicate.Yes, you can say that Facebook and Twitter are just for kids and it's just time wasting activity but look around social media is beyond these, it's just not about social media tools it is the revolution that we all have adopted eventually.

Perceptions of social media are changing and it is not happen just like that. It is used to be understand as a fad which will to be fade  after some time. Because people considered it as just teenager obsession but eventually it has become an fundamental part of the advertising efforts of almost all well know famous brands of the world.

Over the years we have seen some dramatic changes in way we communicate. Since the introduction of the Web 2.0, social media has made it easier for people to build something and put it online in order to get criticized and get remarked by audience. Because of this we are able to communicate, discuss, get entertain, can study anytime from anywhere in the world.. It is lading us to the totally new dimension of communication and modifying conversation to a many-to may model. The other great thing about social media is that, it is a different from traditional media in the term of accessibility, involvement and connectedness. With web 2.0  model whole world stay connected all the time. Following Statistic  proves that : years to reach 50 million users: Radio, 38 years; TV, 13 years; Internet, 4 years; iPod, 3 years. Facebook added 100 million users in less than nine months; iPhone applications hit 1 billion in nine months (Social Media Facts | Ruby Media Group).

Another thing is that social media is not just limited to the chatting and networking. It is really more than that. People meet online even there are so many online dating sites are available. One out of eight couples married in the U.S. last year met via social media. It also helps in study A 2009 U.S. Department of Education study revealed that, on average, online students outperformed those receiving face-to-face instruction.Facebook claimed that it had 1 billion monthly active users, Twitter has 500 million registered users and 750 tweets are shared per second. Flickr now hosts more than 5 billion images. Wikipedia has over 23 million articles with 4.1 million in English. YouTube gets 4 billion views per day, and 72 hours of video are uploaded every minute.

Social media is new marketing tool for the companies. Seventy-eight percent of consumers trust peer recommendations. Even for the professional world networking is most important thing LinkedIn the world's largest professional network has 187 million members in over 200 countries. Eighty percent of companies use LinkedIn as their primary tool to find employees. Even people use it for awareness and it works also. In India, 2008 they ran a social cause to save endangered animal tiger under the name of "save the tiger" on Facebook which got 2,534,267 likes and eventually helped to raise  Rs. 5,81,00,000.

In very close future, we will not be searching for any goods, news, entertainment and services. They will find us and come after us via social media. Universal McCann's Global Social Media Survey shows that all the social media sites are doing only progress since they have been introduce. In the years, many people have wondered if social media is a fad. Having been heavily involved in social media for more than 6 year, my answer is no, social media is not....!!!


Sunday 20 January 2013

on your mark, get set, go...

I have been thinking about blogging for so long but I never stated it as I used to consider it as so uncool. But now I am here and since I am very new  here I don't want to start it wrong so no any serious stuff.I thought for an hour for topic to kick off my blogging career. Than a thought came up and that's why i am start it with cooking. Why not? As long as I love it. So lets start with a recipe of  very famous Indian dish called butter chicken. Its a curry.!!!!!!
The recipe is given here so that while going through it you can realize that it is fairly elaborate,no shortcuts, whatsoever!

Make incisions with a sharp knife on breast and leg pieces of one chicken around 800 gram in weight. Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and salt to the chicken and set aside for half an hour. Hang 1 cup yogurt in a muslin cloth for 15-20 minutes to remove extra water. Add 1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder, salt, 4 tablespoons ginger-garlic paste, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, ½ teaspoon garam masala powder and 2 tablespoons mustard oil. Apply this marinade to the chicken pieces and refrigerate for three to four hours. Put the chicken onto a skewer and cook in a moderately hot tandoor or a preheated oven (200°C) for ten to twelve minutes or until almost done. Baste it with butter and cook for another two minutes. Remove and set aside. To make the makhni gravy, Heat 3-4 tablespoons butter in a pan. Add 2-3 green cardamoms, 4 cloves, 6 peppercorns and 1 inch cinnamon. Sauté for two minutes, add 2 tablespoons ginger-garlic paste and 5 chopped green chillies. Cook for two minutes. Add 2 cups tomato puree, 1 tablespoon red chilli powder, 1/2 teaspoon garam masala powder, salt and one cup of water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for ten minutes. Add 2 tablespoons sugar or honey and ½ teaspoon powdered kasoori methi. Add cooked tandoori chicken pieces. Simmer for five minutes and then add 1 cup fresh cream. Serve with naan or parantha(indian type of bread)

Website reference:,r:58,s:100,i:178&biw=1366&bih=643