Wednesday 20 March 2013

Does social media affects deeply or not any social or political movement

          Does social media affects deeply or not any social or political movement.  Well the fact is the almost everybody uses the social media now especially the youth. Now for any kind of movement or change you need people, crowd and youth who are going to be the future of that change. Young blood has the power and determination of something to change. For a movement is necessary that they be an essential part of the movement. Social media are just not spread awareness but it helps the movement, it made it popular, it can create a small thing in to large.
      Many negotiations have been generated lately on the topic of social networking and the effect it may play on the creation and mobilization of social movement. For example, the emergence of the Coffee Party first appeared on the social networking site, Facebook. The party has continued to gather membership and support through that site and file sharing sites, such as Flickr. The 2009–2010 Iranian election protests also demonstrated how social networking sites are making the mobilization of large numbers of people quicker and easier. Iranians were able to organize and speak out against the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by using sites such as Twitter and Facebook. This in turn prompted widespread government censorship of the web and social networking sites.
       The sociological study of social movements is quite new. The traditional view of movements often perceived them as chaotic and disorganized, treating activism as a threat to the social order. The activism experienced in the 1960s and 1970s shuffled in a new world opinion about the subject. Models were now introduced to understand the organizational and structural powers embedded in social movements.
         Even I can remember one latest case of the rape case. In which one of the young got raped and police and government took it very lightly. But it was the youth and especially the young girl who plan a movement through the social media. It became huge and force government to take firm steps. Even very well know ideas like flash mob and slut march are the results of the movement planed through the social media tools and brought the in the society. Even these things are well spread all over the world and people appreciate it and joined it thanks to social media.